Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Two days on a couch

Well I'm getting stir crazy. I think I've reached the end of the internet and read so much about the bailout package all my numbers and who is arguing what is getting mixed up? Oh and why are only a couple of people bringing up the fact that Geithner was one of the architects of the plan he is currently bashing. But I digress..

So after my normal look for jobs and send resumes out (because yeah that always works) and the fact I can't go out and try and meet people because of the ankle I decide to move to "look for a place to live" mode And after reading Craig's list is it dawning on me that these people might be crazy.

Here are some of my favorites and favorite lines from the ads---

can you beat free?? serious offer!!! FREE room available for young student or professional. LADIES ONLY!!!! to qualify please sent your pic, short intro, and contacts to freeroom626@yahoo.com

ahh I wonder what that poor girl just off the farm (or whatever cliche you want to use) has to do for that free rent.

There are also people looking to share a freaking room. I mean come on I haven't done that since I was a soph in college and let me tell you this. That's not happening again.

another ad had -
We have no public annoying habits... we're both clean, and so nice we'd get along with gorilla's! LOL! We really want someone who's just as relaxed and respectable!

We only ask ONE thing... Please be culturally friendly!
umm ok

聖市 New Ave.全新裝修一套房分租, 走路到168超市, 出門有 487 快線到 LA Downtown, 近 Almansor and Vincent Lugo Park, 包水電煤氣可上網, walk-in closet, 簡單家具, 有洗衣機, 一車庫, 簡炊不吸煙. 本人一個人住,所以環境比較清靜,單純,簡單.

P.S. 3月第一個禮拜才可搬進。 --ahh I think this is someone who needs someone culturally friendly. Or at worst can understand another language.

A lot of people advertise with a place with Happy Energy. What the hell is happy energy? Is that cold fusion? I mean every other ad talks about Happy Energy.

another good one-
I have a beautiful surburban home here in Carson near CAL STATE DOMZ COLLLEGE that I offer free cable, free laundry, free wireless internet, free PHONE USAGE with a big backyard that host a pool, gazebo, BBQ area, SECURITY CAMERAS!! In a secure area that u can walk in at nite! All this for only $140 weekly and only $70 your first week making your first 2 weeks a total of $210 including EVERYTHING!! Don't believe it? Call Jeff 310-294 females only!!

Why females only dear Dear Jeff?

There are also a shocking about of couples looking for a third person to live with them. Am I the only one who finds this odd.

So it appears that since I'm not some hot chick who has to do god knows what, doesn't care about happy energy, or good light I might never find a solid place to live.

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