Sunday, February 8, 2009

The first weekend and injury in LA

So Friday began like most of the other days. I woke checking the job sites and emails to not much avail. After sitting around all day I went down to Hermosa beach to hang out with a friend for the night. We caught up on some tivo'd programs and headed out for the night. It was pouring so there wasn't much going on. When it rains here everything shuts down. Sadly we are leaving the 2nd bar and I step off the curb and don't see a hole in the asphalt as I'm talking to my friend. I step in the hole, roll my ankle spraining it and fall flat on my face. I'm rolling around holding my ankle and he looks at me, "saying get up you wuss" not realizing that it was actually hurt. That was the end of my first Friday night. A freaking hole in the road costing me my ankle for a couple of weeks. Not good. So lets recap. On the drive out my lap top breaks. My third full day and I sprain my ankle by stepping in a stupid hole in the road. So far LA and I are not getting along.

So I wake up and chill out on the couch with the bum ankle and spend a day doing nothing. It's my friends birthday outing so I figure the ankle isn't as bad as it could be and I can actually put some weight on it so I'm getting out of the apartment. We head to an Irish Bar in Santa Monica. Nothing to crazy just a normal night of hanging out at an Irish bar. The girls were dancing and singing to the DJ. Then two guys walk back to the back door and let in a group of girls. They walk past us and my only thought it, "I bet its' doubtful that they are 21". Then another group walks in the back door and then another. Apparently one of the guys is my first celebrity sighting. I say that because I have no idea who the dude is and don't watch the show he's on but the girls sure as hell do. It was Dell from Private Practice. My friend goes up and says that he looks familar and he says that's who he is. Another goes up and asks if he could say happy brithday to our friend who's birthday is. He's having none of it. He just walks away from her. Good times. I found it actually pretty funny. Then we called it a night. Nothing eventful. And all day I've been laid up on the couch. Good times for this guy. Lets hope my first full week in LA treats me better.

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